Tips to Plan Your Big Day

There are a lot of things to plan around from your wedding dress to the venue and from decoration to the number of guests. You start putting in money several months before your big day, and it is a must.

However, if you are looking to have the celebration on a budget, you will have to sit by your partner to discuss how you can cut back on it. If you do not want to splurge money on your wedding, you will definitely have to create a budget.

This will give you an estimation of how much money you have to spend on your big day. Some people start setting aside money by choosing a random figure, but that is not the way to pull your dream without getting into debt.

Much as you cannot get an actual cost of the venue, catering, decoration, the estimation will help you know how much it will likely cost you, and on that basis, you can decide how much you can stash away each month until the wedding date approaches. You may also need to take out quick loans to fund the gap.

Tips to plan your big day on a budget

You know that you need a budget to fund your wedding, but the question is how to make it successful. Here is how you can save a lot of money on your wedding:

Cut the guest list

If you have reduced your wedding budget, you will have to cut back on the guest list. Having a small wedding will surely help you trim down on every part of your wedding. If your guest list is smaller, you will be able to save on the venue, decoration, catering and everything.

Trimming your guest list can be quite complicated for you as you may be sceptical about your relationship with that person in the future. Well, you should ask the following questions in order to decide if you should invite this person.

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Have you met this person before, and do you both know this person?

  • Are you going to meet them in the coming years of your life?
  • Are you just inviting them out of obligation, or do you personally want them to be present at your wedding?

By asking these questions, you can quickly determine whom you should invite.

Choose an off-season wedding date

Your wedding date can truly affect your budget. If you marry during the peak season, you will indeed have to spend a lot of money. This is because venue owners increase their prices amid the rising demand.

Likewise, the cost of catering and the decoration also go up. However, if you marry off-season, you will likely be able to save a lot of money. Compared to peak season, you can manage to get it done at half of the budget.

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Hold your reception at home

You would like to throw a reception after your wedding. This will mainly invite those people whom you did not want to invite to your wedding. If your house has enough space, you can throw the reception there. It will be a great place for it if you have a big backyard.

If you do not have many people to invite to your reception and you have enough space at your home to accommodate them, you can save a lot of money on the venue. If you do not have enough space, you can ask your parents or friends if they can let you use their house for your reception.

Whether you hold the reception at your house or your friend’s house, you will undoubtedly be able to save a lot of money. The money you save can be utilised for your future needs.

Compare the prices

There are so many things you will need to buy during your wedding. Whether it is catering, decoration or any other big item to be purchased, you should compare the prices. Even though you find the price reasonable, you should shop around.

You will likely find it at the lowest possible price by comparing prices. There are various things that you can get online, primarily decorative items. Make sure that you buy them online because you can get them at lower prices. By comparing the prices, you can choose what suits your budget.

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The bottom line

Your big day can be expensive, but you can manage to save a lot of money. If you follow the tips mentioned above, you will actually be able to cut back on your wedding budget.

Of course, your budget will cover only the estimated cost. The actual price you will get to know at the time of the wedding. It can go beyond the actual budget, and you may need money. You can borrow from private money lenders but make sure that you can manage to repay the debt.

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